Reflection on last week

Once I heard that part of this class was going to be working with older individuals and teaching them the social media that I use everyday I was super excited. I receive calls almost every week from my parents always asking how to use their Facebook or smartphone so I figured I could teach others like I teach my parents.

When I met Steve he said he was having trouble with his email and connecting with Facebook. He told me he wanted to learn about google docs and while working with me. Steve’s number one problem he came to me with was that he was receiving bunch of spam emails coming in and wanted that to stop. I did some research and figured out how to block most spam emails. He was also having trouble remembering his Facebook password so I told him to write it down to help him remember. Additionally Steve wanted to connect with his family on Facebook. Steve is now friends with his wife, sons, brothers and sisters and now knows how to post or message privately to them. We also looked at how to sort his music because he plays guitar and had a ton of music that was unorganized. Lastly me and steve had made great progress through our two weeks of work together and I believe I did a great job of showing him the basics to the social media platforms he wanted to learn.

Greg Schneider

What do you think about personal advertisement on Facebook or social media cites?

Have you ever looked at the side of your Facebook page an noticed all the advertisements? Did you notice that all of the ads are aimed toward what your interest are? Well Facebook takes your personal, social action like photos that you have liked or pages that you have liked and advertise what they think you would be into on the side of your page. In my opinion this shows how engulfed our society is with material goods and the drive that many corporations and small business have for profits. As a sociology major I have been studying Karl Marx and he said “The ideas of the ruling class are the ruling ideas.” This relates with this idea of us being to caught up with how the ruling class and corporations are dominating what we see in the media. Overall I think personal advertising is an invasion of many individuals privacy and for them to know my interest just by what I do on Facebook website. They know more information about me then many of my best friends do and that is not ok.

Greg Schneider

Weekly Q 6: Favorite social Media App.

My go to social media platform is Instagram. The reason why I enjoy the Instagram platform is because pictures show me what the individual is seeing or doing during that specific moment instead of reading a status or update. Additionally many pictures show the viewer a sense of what is going on in that individuals life which I like. Instagram started in 2010 but I joined in 2011 once all of my friends already had it. Over the past few years Instagram has become very popular and is right there with Facebook and Twitter for the most used social media platform. After reading an article about the usage of instagram I found that Brazil, Japan and the United States use instagram the most. Additionally I found that Time Square is the second most instagramed place behind a city in Bangkok, Thailand.

I hate to admit this but I am a little addicted to instagram as I am sure many others are to. I find myself checking Instagram way to many times a day and many a times I look at the same post more then once. I prefer to look at pictures while I am bored instead of reading people thoughts and feelings about what is going on in their lives or in society.


Greg Schneider 


New New Media

What are the reasons I am taking COM 424?

I am taking COM 424 because I am a communication minor and am interested in how New technology affects our lives and the world as a whole. After hearing that we will be working with elders, and teaching them the basics of cites like Facebook, Twitter and other social media cites, I became really interested. I have always taught my mom how to use here new gadgets and explained to her how to use her Facebook. Additionally, reading the syllabus I was excited to see how we were going to interact in our online community.

What challenges do I plant to take on?

The challenge that I think will be the hardest in this class is interacting over social media cites that I have never used before. For an example, WordPress and Google+ are the two that I am very unfamiliar with and am excited/scared to use them. Additionally I think that the real challenge in this class is going to be our service learning and teaching others how to communicate and interact with there family and friends in an online community.

What will my final portfolio will involve?

My final portfolio will demonstrate that I have grasped the concepts and key terms of New new media and can navigate and explain how to use the social media as well as other media. Additionally it will show all my work throughout the semester. Furthermore I hope that after putting this portfolio together I will be able to use Pathbrite in the future.

Greg Schneider

Weekly Q’s weeks 1-2

Week 1: Who Cares?

New new media is important to my people in our society for many different reasons. Social media is becoming the biggest form of media. Weather social media is being used by business people or artist New new media will help them. For an example many businesses use Facebook and Twitter to advertise or show there work.

A different point of view on why studying New media is important would be one that we talked about in class. New new media is used to connect with other family members or friends. Without social media many would not be in contact with some of the individuals that they get to talk to on a regular basis. Since we are in an era where letters are not written New new media is an important subject to study.

Week 2: If something or someone is not online, does it exist?

If you were to google the name of the person next to you I am almost positive you will find something related with them. This being said, if something or someone is not online it still may exist but its rare for something or someone not to be on the internet.

Could I detach myself from media enough to feel uncomfortable? I believe that we cant detach from media. The corporations run the media that most of us see on a daily bases and its part of their job to make sure we see what is in the media. For me to detach from any sort of media I would need to go live in the woods with no electronics and never get my hands on a newspaper or magazine.